Noah’s Ark (2016)

by | Mar 4, 2016 | DVD & Blu-ray Video Reviews

Not the best Noah movie, but enjoyable nevertheless…

Noah’s Ark (2016)

Cast: David Thelfall, Joanne Whalley, Nico Mirallegro
Director: Kenneth Glenaan
Studio: Cinedigm GP5049 (2/2/16)
Video: Enhanced for 16:9 1080i HD color
Audio: Englsh DD stereo
Length: 88 min.
Rating: ***1/2

There are other Noah movies which may be better that this one but I haven’t seen them. It’s not as slavishly Biblical as one might expect, but there is little time spent on the actual flood. Much of the film contrates on the difficulties Noah has in convincing anyone that he has been told by God to build the ark and everybody that doesn’t come with him on the ark will be drowned. He doesn’t even get the asisstance of his four sons until the ark is nearly finished. His wife, however, helps him out though she (like almost everone else) think he is perfectly crazy.

I kept waiting for the procession of the pairs of animals into the ark when the big rain finally comes, but we never get it. Only a quick shot of a silhouette of some of the animals on a hill at some distance, and then that’s it.  It’s basically the story of one man’s faith, and his building of the ark no matter what, because that is what God told him to do.

The big flood finally comes, starting at about the last ten minutes of the movie. The whole observation of dry land from aboard the ark and the flood then going away is omitted.  Noah is suddenly on dry land again, as his sons, their wives, and everyone else, go off to start a new life on earth.  Not the greatest Biblical movie ever, but certainly worth a viewing.

—John Sunier