8 ohm Archive

Audio News for November 18, 2016

China’s Newest Export is Classical Music – The China Philharmonic Orchestra (CPO) is touring New York City, LA and San Francisco. Musicians from the China National Opera House in Beijing performed in Puccini’s Turandot in the Budapest Spring Festival. At London’s Coliseum, the Shanghai Opera performed Thunderstorm, a newly-adapted Western-style Chinese work, and the Shanghai Sym. Orch. will be touring prestigious European festivals. The Beijing Sym. Orch. has completed seven European tours.  The organizer of the tours said “We have many good classical music groups in China, but people abroad don’t know about them.” A conductor who has work both in China and the U.S. says “A product manufactured in China is not as important for China’s international profile. Cultural power is much more important.” One of the Chinese commentators says “We have a couple of good orchestras, but they’re not the Vienna Philharmonic.” The promoter has to decide if he will start from scratch or just buy an existing European company. Some European artists’ managers don’t like the sound of either option. Meridian Eight-Channel Amp to Drive Multiple Pairs of Speakers – The new Meridian 258 Eight-Channel Power Amp delivers a premium experience, with a powerful and efficient way […]