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Patrick ZIMMERLI – Shores Against Silence – Songlines

Patrick ZIMMERLI – Shores Against Silence – Songlines

Patrick ZIMMERLI – Shores Against Silence – Songlines 1619, 38:38 (11/4/16) ****: (Patrick Zimmerli, tenor sax/ Kevin hays; p./ Larry Grenadier. bass/ Tom Rainey, drums, Satoshi Takeishi, percussion) Previously unreleased quartet music from 1992 by heady classical/jazz composer Patrick Zimmerli. Given the technical mastery and expressive range of tenor saxophonist Patrick Zimmerli, it is surprising that he is not better known among the jazz cognoscenti. Perhaps that is because, by choice, he has never had both feet inside jazz. In an interview with Evan Iverson, he explained how his childhood circumstances account for his unusual path in life. Patrick’s older brother was a child prodigy at the piano. When the younger sibling (by three years) was still romping around on his hobby-horse, the older was playing the Well-Tempered Clavier in the nursery. A few years later, instead of making mischief around the neighborhood, the boys studied the scores of the Beethoven Sonatas together.  His brother having already claimed it, the piano was off-limits, but the young Pat took up the saxophone and soon learned to play by ear and to improvise, two bids for autonomy.  As his passion in music took over, he dedicated himself to imitative mastery of the […]