AI Archive
Audio News for January 20, 2017
Schools Dive Into Video Stream – Two national companies – National High School Sports Network and The Cube, have been joined by WSN – a new streaming technology in 38 classrooms so far. Unlike the other two, who offer only the software, WSN offers a turn-key package of hardware, software and technical support. The other two streaming companies charge $10 per view, but WSN charges more to bigger high schools which typically have a bigger budget. Coverage of high school sports produces income beyond ticket sales and fund-raising efforts. The Video Encoding and Transcoding Market – The demand for video streaming services is increasing due to proliferation of online media services on the Internet and mobile platforms globally. Encoding and transcoding equipment plays an important role in enabling baster delivery of media contact to end users. A video encoder converts an analog-based video content to digital format to make it compatible to run on Internet and mobile devices. Sometimes a video transcoder is use to convert an existing digital video content to another digital format for smooth functioning. Both encoder and transcoder must retain the video quality while converting to a different video format. However, there is considerable loss of […]