Asian Archive
BORA YOON: “Sunken Cathedral” = O viridissima virga; Father Time; Finite Infinity; In paradisum; Jansori Pansori; O Pastor Animarum; Speratus; Little Box of Horrors; Weights and Balances; Semaphone Conductus; New American Theater; Doppler Dreams – Bora Yoon, artist & composer/others – Innova CD or double-vinyl
No resemblance at all to Debussy’s cathedral – sunken or not.
Dangerous Liaisons, Blu-ray (2012/2013)
Turns out this is the second Asian film treatment of the 18th-century French novel.
LOU HARRISON: Scenes from Cavafy; Concerto for Piano with Japanese Gamelan; A Soedjatmoko Set – John Duykers/ Jessika Kenney, voice/ Adrienne Varner, piano/ Gamelan Pacifica and Chorus – Jarrad Powell, director – New World
A West Coast/Asian mélange that will excite many and bore many.