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Editorial Page for February 2017
Our February free drawing is for a four-SACD box set, Piano Works of the Russian Futurist Movement, donated by Cybele Records. Futurism was a movement in which Russian and Italian artists and poets adopted the principles of Filippo Marinetti’s Futurist Manifesto in 1909. The word applied to those who “consciously reject the most elementary traditions and continuity in the relatively narrow sphere of their own art.” elementary traditions and continuity in the relatively narrow sphere of their own art.” These works provide attempts for the composers to express themselves in a new and contemporary language. Thomas Günther is the pianist on all four volumes. All you need to do to enter the drawing is simply to click on Register To Win and fill out all the few fields we request. The lucky winner of the hi-res set will be announced here next month. EDITORIAL AUDIOPHILE AUDITION began as a local program in San Francisco and then in 1985 as a weekly national radio series hosted by John Sunier, and aired for 13½ years on up to 200 public radio and commercial stations. In September 1998 its web site for program listings was expanded to this free Internet publication. February 2017 is […]