blacklisting Archive
White – Josh at Midnight – Ekectra/Ramseur vinyl
White – Josh At Midnight – Electra EKL-102 (1956)/Ramseur RAM1-811 (2016) mono vinyl ****1/2: This is a great vinyl remastering of an iconic blues artist! (Josh White – guitar, vocals; Sam Gary – vocals; Al Hall – bass) In the annals of American country blues, there was no greater influence than Josh White. He transcended music and became a cultural icon. Among his achievements, he was the first African-American singer/guitarist to star in Hollywood films, Broadway and various segregated hotels. His record “One Meatball” was the first African-American hit to garner one million sales. White was active in civil rights (he was an “advisor” to Franklin Delano Roosevelt) and in an unprecedented event, performed at the White House in 1941. He survived blacklisting (which ruined many Hollywood careers) (with significant career implications), and enjoyed some crossover success, especially with the blues-conscious rock and roll scene. His energetic singing and guitar histrionics (including pre-Hendrix playing with his teeth) became legendary. Rammer records has released an audiophile re-mastered version of Josh At Midnight. Initially released on Electra in 1956, the album is a joyful, expansive look at American folk, blues and gospel. The sparse arrangements frame a musical talent and charismatic performer. […]