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Audio News for June 24, 2016
Portland’s Allegro Distributors Out of Business – Brothers Joe, Vince and Rico Micallef have run Allegro Media Group since 1982, specializing in indie music label CDs and DVDs. But when music streaming caught on, the bottom fell out. There used to be seven major label groups – now there are just two. The same thing basically has happened to independent distributors. Allegro’s liquidation leaves many labels in the lurch. The company is a year or more behind on some sales payments, and about half the staff have lost their jobs. More Robots Than Humans in 20 Years – A British study asked over 2000 Americans a series of questions about how they believed their lives would be transformed by technology. Over half predicting that we will regularly wear clothing connected to the Internet within the next 20 years, and one in four American adults think robots will outnumber humans by 2036, and two-thirds think physical money will be totally replaced by cashless computer technologies. The group felt that they will no longer visit the doctor but will instead consult them from home using VR. A large number also believe 3D printers will be used to producer human organs, potentially removing […]