Hugo Archive
House of Wax, Blu-ray 3D (1953/2013)
Martin Scorsese says this is the best 3D feature film ever made.
Hugo, Blu-ray 3D, 3-disc set (2011-12)
Maybe should have won the Best Picture Oscar instead of The Artist. A fantastic family picture.
Audio News for April 3, 2012
Beethoven’s Tenth for April Fools; Mozart Piano Piece Discovered; New Met Manon Panned; Silent Films Popular Again; Audio Bargains List
Hugo, Blu-ray+DVD+Digital Copy (2012)
A wonderful family film, great characterizations, a fascinating look into the beginnings of cinema, and a plea for film preservation.
Reviews of 29 Soundtrack Albums
Film scores of all types on CD, for current, classic, silent and collections of film themes.