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Editorial for July 2012

Editorial for July 2012

Register Here using our non-intrusive email-protected form and you will have a good chance of being one of the two AUDIOPHILE AUDITION readers this month to receive the Complete Nine Beethoven Symphonies 6-SACD set on Challenge Records—our drawing for July. Jan Willem de Vriend conducts the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra, and of course these are all hybrid CDs as well, in case a winner is one of our readers who isn’t yet set up for SACD playback. The two winners will be announced here in early August.  Here are the two lucky winners of the 51-CD Mercury Living Presence set of remastered CDs—our June drawing: Carol Strand, Waupaca WI & Melvin Bernay, Raleigh NC. Congrats! [audaud-hr] EDITORIAL AUDIOPHILE AUDITION began in 1985 as a weekly national radio series hosted by John Sunier, which aired for 13 1/2 years on up to 200 public radio and commercial stations coast to coast. In September 1998 its web site for programming information was expanded to the present Internet publication. July 2012 is our 160th issue, and features improved navigation and enhanced appearance using Word Press. All disc reviews (124 for June) are added thru the month as they are written and received, usually daily. […]