“Lark” Quartet Archive
Composing America = ADAMS: 5 Pages from Book of Alleged Dances; BOLCOM: Billy in the Darbies; COPLAND: Two Pieces for String Quartet; MORAVEC: Piano Quintet—Stephen Salters, bar./ Jeremy Denk, p. /Yousif Sheronick, percussion—Lark Quartet—Bridge
An entertaining and superbly performed collection of four chamber works that reflect the diversity and complexity of American music.
JENNIFER HIGDON – “An Exhaltation of Larks” – An Exaltation of Larks; Scenes From the Poet’s Dreams; Light Refracted – Gary Graffman, p./ Todd Palmet, clar. /Blair McMillen, p. /The Lark Quartet – Bridge
A disc of programmatic contemporary chamber music that’s tonal, well-crafted and cleverly written. But will it stand the test of time?
HAYDN: String Quartets Vol. 10 = String Quartets Op. 64 Nos. 1–6 – Auryn Quartet – Tacet (2 CDs)
These are polished, urbane performances that are also full of the sheer joy of music-making.