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Audio News for June 10, 2016

Over Eight Billion Connected Devices Globally Now – According to a new Business Wire article, number of connected AV devices worldwide is now 8.1 billion. This includes smartphones, tablets, PCs, TVs, TV-attached devices and audio hardware. On average this equates to an amazing four devices per household. Smartphones outnumber tablets by five to one and are expected to rise eventually to nearly 10:1. The Apple TV, starting at $149, has been unable to out-ship the Google Chromecast at $35. Netflix has a presence across 32% of connected devices in the U.S. Pay TV media apps are now virtually guaranteed to set alongside the Netflix app on consumer’s end devices. Sony Promotes Hi-Res Audio with Their Magic Bus – Their RSX-GS9 in-dash hi-res head unit has been installed with a 4620-watt sound system in a Mercedes Benz cargo van, which is touring trade shows and consumer events. The head end unit has a 32-bit D/A converter from ESS Technology. The player achieves a dynamic range of up to 135dB with low noise and distortion.  All primary components have been optimized to minimize electro-magnetic noise and time-based errors (jitter). Classical Music Gets Casual in Kitchens ad Warehouses – The writer reports that […]