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Horace Andy – Straight To Hell – Fe True Records – 45 rpm

Horace Andy – Straight To Hell – Fe True Records – 45 rpm

Horace Andy – Straight To Hell – Fe True Records – 45 r.p.m. stereo vinyl (20 min.) ****: Jamaican homage to The Clash remains topical. (Featuring Horace Andy and Big Youth; The Welders; Eric Blowtorch – guitar; Michael Dr. “Bassie” Bell – bass; Cecelia Negron Jr. – drums; Robin Pluer – organ) When the Clash burst on the scene, punk rock was shoving nearly every other pop music form aside. In addition to the social anger, political resentment was being voiced. At the same time, reggae music was influencing both British and American bands. Despite the joyful grooves, a darker political message was being transmitted by the likes of Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Third World. Jamaican singer Horace Andy started out as a hit maker with songs like “Skylarking”, “You Are my Angel” and “Money Is The Root Of All Evil”. Years later, he recorded with “trip-hop” purveyor, Massive Attack. On a global scale reggae, punk rock and hip-hop was fused. Fe True Records has released a four-song 45 r.p.m., Straight To Hell. Horace Andy had previously collaborated with Joe Strummer in 1999, The two musicians shared a mutual admiration that dated back even further. Thirty-four years after its […]

Editorial for May 2016

Editorial for May 2016

The imported, limited edition 64-CD Leonard Bernstein Collection Vol. 2 is our May free drawing. The repertoire is supplemented by five American Decca CDs, analyses/performances of Beethoven’s Erocia, Schmann’s Second, Dvoraks’ New World, Brahms’ Fourth and Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique. It is rounded off with original cast selections from Fancy Free and On The Town. It is an original jackets collections and comes in an LP-size box with deluxe book filled with striking photos. Complete repertoire here. The winner of the April drawing will be listed below soon.   EDITORIAL AUDIOPHILE AUDITION began as a local program in San Francisco and then in 1985 as a weekly national radio series hosted by John Sunier, and aired for 13½ years on up to 200 public radio and commercial stations. In September 1998 its web site for program listings was expanded to this free Internet publication. May 2016 is our 206th issue! All disc reviews are added thru the month as written and received, often daily, amounting to nearly 100 a month.  The Home Page lists the latest published reviews.  Vinyls, Pure Audio Blu-rays and other hi-res formats are included in the SACD/Hi-Res Section, as well as xrcds. We are staying with physical discs rather […]