Metaxas Archive
Audio News for October 7, 2016
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest Starts Today – The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest starts today, October 7, from noon to 7 pm, in the Denver Marriott Tech Center. The three-day audio show, which ends on October 9 at 4pm, promises 128 exhibit rooms, 32 vendor displays, plus three more in the parking lot, 332 exhibit companies, and, at 62 exhibits, and a CanJam for headphone aficianados. Stellavox Reference Recordings – Kostas Metaxas had an ambitious project creating hi own library of reference recording which can be used to create the ultimate playback system. He says that many manufacturers are already using some of his tracks to “voice” their equipment. He is stuck on the Stellavox SM8 and SU8 decks, one of which he purchased on eBay and and had refurbished by an expert in Switzerland. He also uses a Stellavox AMI48 modified mixer, and modified Neumann TLM50 mics plus a pair of Newmann M150 tube mics. There is an interview with Mark Levinson on YouTube about how Metaxas was inspired by Stellavox, and some of his albums can by purchased as actual copies of the master tapes from Todor Dimitrov. An Immersive VR Experience at a Kansas Convention Center – […]