Nick Fraser Archive

Peripheral Vision: More Songs About Error and Shame – Step3 

Peripheral Vision: More Songs About Error and Shame – Step3 

Sparkling quartet jazz with brainy energy and inspired open-ended charts. Peripheral Vision: More Songs About Error and Shame – Step3 – 007, 52:40 (2/27/18) ****: (Michael Herring; bass/ Don Scott; guitar/ Nick Fraser; drums/ Trevor Hogg; tenor saxophone) It was the great chess grandmaster and wag, Savielly Tartakower, who remarked with regard to  initial setup of the chessboard “all the mistakes are there, waiting to be made.” Much the same could be said at the beginning of the day (or a life). Nature herself is profligate in failed experiments, which Natural Selection ruthlessly edits out.  As for the individual opossum or human, a mistake (if it doesn’t kill one) provides just as much opportunity for learning as for shame.  The record under review is called More Songs about Error and Shame. The charming cover depicts a graphic schema of humans in various poses of regret and embarrassment. The inner sleeve adds scenarios ranging from the Titanic to a broken window, an overfilled coffee cup, the space station flaming out, missing the trash can with a crumpled wad of paper, or an embarrassing email exchange. It is only February, but I predict this will be my choice for album cover of […]