plainchant Archive
VICTORIA: Requiem (1603) – La Stagione Armonia/ Sergio Balestracci – Pan Classics
A well-groomed and intelligently-rendered Requiem of fine provenance.
Music from the Eton Choirbook = WALTER LAMBE: Nesciens Mater for 5 voices; WILLIAM, MONK OF STRATFORD: Magnificat; PLAINCHANT: Nesciens mater, antiphon; RICHARD DAVY: Saint Matthew Passion; JOHN BROWNE: Stabat Mater for 6 voices; HUGH KELLYK: Magnificat for 5 voices; ROBERT WYLKYNSON: Jesus autem transiens / Credo in Deum – Tonus Peregrinus/ Anthony Pitts – Naxos
Quality recordings of the music of the Eton Choirbook are always welcome, and this one fits the bill.
JOSQUIN: De beate virgine; Ave maris stella – Tallis Scholars/ Peter Phillips – Gimell
Do the Tallis Scholars ever make a bad recording?