Reference Reordings Archive

Audio News for August 30, 2016

Audiophile Gurus Forecast Best Buy – Best Buy has been in the news lately, both for prognostications about its longterm future (Money Magazine, CNBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, NPR) and the short term implications of its expanding its Hi-Res Listening Station displays – developed with Sony Electronics, and now available in 82 Magnolia Design Centers at Best Buy, and will expand to 250 stores, as corporate says, “bringing studio-quality music to the masses.” The new display showcases a high-resolution Sony Walkman, Sony MDR-1A, Sennheiser HD558 and Momentum M2, Polk Hinge, and V-MODA Crossfade. Hi-res listening stations will be set up in 82 of its stores nationwide. It seems as if the audiophile concept has spread to market sectors with money, and for this sector, hi-res headphones just make so much sense, especially with increasingly attractive entry-level price points. It’s also a way of legitimatizing the concept of audiophile sound, and the small window it may create for a new wave of re-recordings of classic audiophile touchstone repertoire has just opened. Reference Recordings’ New CD – By some magical sleight of imagination, probably buoyed by the success of his first three San Francisco Ballet Orchestra recordings, music director Martin West approached and persuaded Reference […]