Remi Leclerc Archive

Miriodor – Signal 9 – Cuneiform, Rune

Miriodor – Signal 9 – Cuneiform, Rune

Miriodor – Signal 9 [TrackList follows] – Cuneiform, Rune 438, 52:15 [9/5/17] ****: Miriodor: keeping the movement alive. (Bernard Falaise – guitar, keys, turntable; Pascal Globensky – keys, synth, piano; Rémi Leclerc –percussion, drums, electronics; Nicolas Lessard – bass, contrabass, keys) There are musical genres, such as punk, bluegrass and reggae. Then there are musical movements, which are revolutionary, methodical and unifying. The Rock In Opposition (or RIO) movement is a faction of progressive music which was pioneered by the English avant-rockers Henry Cow, the French ensemble Art Zoyd (which merges free jazz, progressive rock and avant-garde electronica) and Univers Zéro, the instrumental progressive Belgian band. On this side of the Atlantic, the premier practitioners of the RIO movement are the members of Montreal, Canada group Miriodor (who blend jazz, classical, rock and other international influences), which formed in 1980 and issued their first LP in 1984. Miriodor has had a fruitful and long history with the forward-seeking Cuneiform label, which released Miriodor’s ninth album, fittingly titled Signal 9. There is an otherworldly aspect to the 11 tracks, which Miriodor keyboardist Pascal Globensky explains is deliberate. “Metaphorically, we could say that Miriodor is a planet, with aliens communicating in their […]