Robert Paterson Archive
“Eternal Reflections” – ROBERT PATERSON: Eternal Reflections; Choral Suite from A New Eaarth; Lux Aeterna; The Essence of Gravity; Snow Day; Did You Hear?; Life is But a Dream; A Dream Within a Dream – Musica Sacra/ Kent Tritle – American Modern Recordings
A choice release from a source that I have a feeling is going to become more and more important as time moves on.
ROBERT PATERSON: The Book of Goddesses; Freya's Tears; Embracing the Wind – MAYA trio/Clockwise duo/American Modern Ens. – American Modern
These goddesses worth meditating over.
ROBERT PATERSON: ‘Star Crossing’ – American Modern Ensemble – American Modern Recordings
Exciting new music bursting with energy well worth checking out!