Robert Redford Archive

Truth, Blu-ray (2016)

Truth, Blu-ray (2016)

A well-done journalistic thriller centered on Dan Rather. Truth, Blu-ray (2016) Cast: Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford, Elisabeth Moss, Dennis Quaid Director: James Vanderbilt Studio: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 46952 (2/2/16) Video: 2.40:1 for 16:9 screens, 1080p HD color Audio: English DTS-HD MA 5.1, DD 5.1 audio descriptive track Subtitles: English, English SDH Extras: Commentary track by Vanderbilt & producers Brad Fischer & Wm. Sherak, The Team, Q&A with Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth Moss & Vanderbilt, Deleted scenes, Featurette: The Reason for Being with Dan Rather Length: 125 min. Rating: **** Truth is based on the true story of the CBS News staff being involved in one of network news’ biggest scandals ever. Blanchett plays Mary Mapes, who works closely with Dan Rather and believes she has broken a big story on 60 Minutes in the 2004 election – the revelations of President George Bush not having taken part in his military service that he got preferential treatment for, but has taken credit for it. After the story is presented on the air it comes out that some of the documents used in good faith were in fact false, and allegations come pouring in, resulting in a legal battle, several dramatic casualties, […]