Rockert Lieder Archive
MAHLER: Ruckert Lieder; Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen; ALMA MAHLER: Five Lieder – Karen Cargill, mezzo-sop./ Simon Lepper, p. – Linn
Mahler contra Mahler makes for a great listening experience.
MAHLER: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen; Kindertotenlieder; Ruckert Lieder – Christian Gerhaher, bar./ Montreal Sym. Orch./ Kent Nagano – Sony Classical
Fine new readings of songful and soulful Mahler, not as interpretatively etched in stone as they might be, but attractive nonetheless.
MAHLER: Symphony No. 4; Ruckert Lieder, Blu-ray (2009)
Abbado’s Fourth is one to be reckoned with, but probably not the only version you will want.