Roy Orbison Archive

Roy Orbison – One Of The Lonely Ones – Universal – vinyl

Roy Orbison – One Of The Lonely Ones – Universal – vinyl

Roy Orbison – One Of The Lonely Ones – Universal 00602547233042, 33:43 [12/4/15] stereo vinyl ***: Previously unreleased 1969 album surfaces on vinyl. (Roy Orbison – guitar, vocals; plus many others) Roy Orbison is an intricate part of the original rock and roll landscape. His rockabilly structures share a common bond with Southern-based artists like Elvis Presley and Carl Perkins. His inspiration was drawn from the pathos of country music. Songs like “Only The Lonely”, “Pretty Woman”, “Crying” and “Blue Bayou” were heartfelt revelations with a personal message. Orbison remained vital into the Sixties. But like a lot of American rock and roll stars, the British Invasion pushed them aside. It was more than ironic that the very musicians idolized by British rockers, became its most notable casualties. Orbison, whose “near-operatic” twangy tenor had no equal pushed back on this and continued to record and tour. In 1965, he left Monument Records and signed (an alleged $1M deal) with MGM records. While not as commercially successful, Orbison scored 12 MGM-era singles, 10 studio albums and maintained relevance. There were dark times for the Kentucky singer that included the death of his wife (in a motorcycle accident) and a second tragedy […]