Toccata Classics Archive
FRANCOIS COUPERIN: Music for Two Harpsichords Vol 1 & 2 – [TrackList follows] – Jochewed Schwarz & Emer Buckley – Toccata Classics
Two volumes covering two-harpsichord Francois Couperin material. FRANCOIS COUPERIN: Music for Two Harpsichords Vol 1 & 2 – [TrackList follows] – Jochewed Schwarz and Emer Buckley – Toccata Classics TOCC 0203 & 0258, 62:21, 66:03 ****: Fr. Couperin published two set of chamber works, Concerts Royaux and Les Nations, scored so that they could be performed by whatever instruments were at hand (as many composers did at the time). But the composer said he himself preferred to perform them on two harpsichords. These two albums use selected movements from both works, and in the first volume three short pieces from his Pieces de Clavecin, in the second and third books. These are strong and vital-sounding performances from both ladies (Schwarz is Israeli and Buckley is Irish), and the series of movements from the Quatrime Ordre of Les Nations amounts to over 22 minutes long. A later series from the Second Ordre totals 29 minutes. Many of these selections are first recordings of these works. And also are very well-recorded. They both play von Nagel harpsichords, the recordings were made in his workshop in Paris and Ms. Schwarz was also the producer. The double-manual instruments are based on 18th-century French originals […]
BERG BY ARRANGEMENT – Music for Strings: Lyric Suite, Piano Sonata, Kanon, Early Pieces—NFM Leopoldinum Ch. Orch./ Ernst Kovacic—Toccata Classics
String orchestra arrangements of Berg’s Music emphasize the romanticism of the Second Viennese School.
BARGIEL: Complete Orchestral Music, Volume I = Symphony in C Major; Overtures: to a Tragedy; Prometheus; Medea – Siberian Sym. Orch./ Dmitry Vasilyev – Toccata Classics
First recordings of orchestral works by Woldemar Bargiel, a composer who follows Schumann and Weber with a strong sense of their Romantic idiom.
WEINBERG: Symphony No. 21, Kaddish & Polish Tunes – The Siberian Sym. Orch./ Dmitry Vasilyev – Toccata Classics
A noteworthy Weinberg Symphony and a fine recording.
“Music for Alfred Hitchcock” = HERRMANN, WAXMAN, TIOMKIN, ELFMAN – Danish Nat. Sym. Orch./ John Mauceri – Toccata Classics
Some of the best symphonic scores for Hitchcock movies, including some first recordings.
ALKAN: Huits Prieres for Solo Piano; Neuf Preludes for Piano, Four Hands; Benediction Pedal Piano or Piano 3 Hands – Vincenzo Maltempo & Emanuele Delucchi, pianos – Toccata Classics
For the collector of rare keyboard repertory, this Alkan disc provides powerful and original materials.
KORNGOLD: Much Ado About Nothing (complete incidental music) – U. of North Carolina School of the Arts Drama Soloists and Sym. Orch./ John Mauceri – Toccata Classics
Even if not perfect, this is an important and entertaining performance molded by veteran man of the theater John Mauceri.
JĀNIS MEDIŅŠ: 24 Dainas – Jonathan Powell, piano – Toccata Classics
A Latvian composer in the vein of Rachmaninoff and Scriabin, yet with a lot to say for himself.
The Unknown ENESCU: Vol. 1 = soloists & Enescu Ens. of U. of Illinois – Toccata Classics
Many of the intimate chamber works of Enescu’s neglected violin catalogue receive their first inscriptions, a small treasure-chest of thoroughly charming pieces.
HAVERGAL BRIAN: Orchestral Music, Vol. Two – BBC Scottish Sym. Orch./ Garry Walker – Toccata Classics
Brian’s music is brilliantly orchestrated, tonal and excitingly different.