Woodshop = Darol Anger & Mike Marshall – Adventure Music

by | Apr 29, 2007 | Pop/Rock/World CD Reviews | 0 comments

Woodshop = Darol Anger & Mike Marshall – Adventure Music AMA 1037-2, 51:23 *****:

(Darol Anger, violins; Mike Marshal, mandolins & guitars; Todd Phillips/Michael Manring/Todd Sickafoose, bass; Phil Aaberg, piano; Aaron Johnston, percussion)

This new CD was conceived as an update to a wonderful duo album which Anger and Marshall did 20 years ago for Windham Hill (and currently out of print): Chiaroscuro. The all-instrumental album sold very well and the two versatile acoustic players wanted to encore it in a manner which would reflect their emotional, intellectual and spirituals selves of today. Mike compares their relationship to a blend of two kids playing in a sandbox plus two adults respecting one another’s creativity and assisting each other in manifesting it.

The cardstock foldout album is beautifully designed, with many illustrations inside support the idea of a wood shop and decorative details on guitars and violins. It reminded me of some of the lavish photography of instruments in some of the Acoustic Disc label CDs in which both Anger & Marshall have participated. There’s a paragraph about each of the 14 tracks. Only one just the unadorned violin and mandolin. Mike often plays the mandocello, and with multiple tracking by both performers many of the tracks have an almost orchestral sound. One example is Replaceitall (named after the rumored habit of Keith Richards having all his blood replaced in Switzerland before going on tour with the Stones). Besides overdubbing many violins, mandolins and mandocellos, Darol added something called Found Sound Rhythm Programming, as well as a Mystery Slap Beat and Shakers. This may well become many acoustic fans favorite instrumental album just as did their effort of two decades ago!

1. Intro
2. Peter Pan
3. Slip and Slide
4. Who Had Whom
5. Borealis
6. Interlude #1
7. The Unbearable Gift
8. Bach, Up
9. Interlude #2
10. Replaceitall
11. Hearts Wait
12. Interlude #3
13. The Creep
14. Outtro

 – John Sunier

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