Audio News for July 12, 2016

by | Jul 12, 2016 | Audio News

Home Theater Turned Into Star Trek: The Next Generation – Over $1.5 million later, financier Marc Bell has turned sci-fi into reality in his home in Boca Raton FL. The home theater is patterned after the bridge on the USS Enterprise, the spaceship featured on the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series that ran from 1987 to 1994. Everything in the room is custom, down to the little architectural details. A wraparound control center (often manned by Worf on the series) has a touch-screen control panel that manages everything from the theater lighting to what’s shown on the hi-def projector. The ceiling is lit by a “starfield” – hundreds of fiber-optic lights that twinkle at different frequencies depending on how far away they are. Bell’s collection of Star Trek memorabilia includes the ears worn by the Spock character, and there is a reference to Captain Picard’s office in the series – the “ready room.”

Panasonic Australia Integrates Hardware Optimisation and Cost Efficiency in One System – The new Video Insight Management Software (VMS) is a video management security solution which can integrate multiple devices across a network. It supports more than 3000 camera models from 100 manufacturers and integrates with the most popular access control systems, plus it works with Windows, Macs or mobile devices. It gives users the ability to monitor cameras remotely on various operating systems, with user-friendly graphics.

The Truncating of Classical MusicClassic FM provides a stream of popular classics and South Africa’s Classic FM now has slots devoted to wine and lifestyle, making classical music an adjunct to an upmarket lifestyle. All the shorter movements of symphonies are given preference. Did you know that the biggest difference tween serious music and pop music has always been one of duration? Serious music composers always wrote work over 20 minutes length. Now even the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) is calling for orchestral scores of less than 15 minutes. Almost no major piece from the 20th century would qualify! Where in the world did this idea come from?

Market.Biz Launches Report on Home Audio Equipment Market – In their analysis of new and involving technologies and their impact on the home audio equipment market, the report lists the leading players: LG, Sony, Panasonic, Bose, Yamaha, Harman, Onkyo & Pioneer, Vizio, Samsung, JVC, Sharp and others. Detailed business overview, Home Audio Equipment market revenue analysis, strategies, and SWOT analysis of the key players has been included in the report. It also talks about the emerging geographical sectors in the Home Audio Equipment market and the trends that will drive the industry across these regional segments.

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