Juan Gutierrez de Padilla was one of many people who immigrated to Mexico at the time of the great Spanish/Portuguese expedition to the southern New World in the early 1500s. He set up shop in the cathedral of Puebla (started in 1562 and only completed in the mid-1700s). Because of the great population explosion, an example of the conversion of a society almost unheralded in the history of the world, and accomplished in only about three years (and we are talking about 25 million natives there when the Spanish arrived), there was a need for musicians of all sorts and stripes. One quickly found that the music of the major church composers of Europe at that time was being presented in New Spain. Padilla was one of the greatest, a foundation block of Mexican polyphony, and a fervent resister of the innovations of the emerging Italian school.
The Sixteen present us with a fine selection of his music, sumptuously recorded in St. Paul’s, Deptford (London), and is as superior a collection of Padilla’s music as you will find. The Sixteen’s glories are well known to choral lovers–superb ensemble, perfect balance, and an ability to adapt to whatever stylistic conformity demands. If the program attracts, don’t hesitate–riches await!
Deus in adiutorium
Mirabilia testimonia tua
Stabat Mater
Transfige, dulcissime Domine
Tristis est anima mea
Versa est in luctum
Missa Ave Regina Caelorum
Pater peccavi
Salve Regina
Ave Regina caelorum
— Steven Ritter